Sunday, November 9, 2008


At last sakshi management decided to send two people for delhi. Vasudevan from tv9 and sudhir from d.c. are joined in sakshi for delhi. After so many thoughts and thinks management took a decission. From the begining there is a clash between two groups in this issue. Shastri and Arvind Yadav told their opinion separately. One chance also given for chandrakanth to select some body. But his candidate was not choosen.

interesting thing is when vasudevan joined in sakshi that was a saturday. Next day sunday office was closed. But vasudevan went to office and ordered the watch man for open the office. When that security person rejected for his demand vasudevan called higher people in the organization. After 2 hours nuecence he entered into the office. He sat for one hour and come back to home.

Can any body guess why vasudevan did like that. the reason is 'UDYOGANIKI DWETEEYA VIGNAM UNDA KUDA DHATA'........

Saturday, November 1, 2008


In recent days some journos getting hike in salaries very quickly. Because of competition all channels are searching for seniors and talent fellows (some organizations totally depending on juniors; exemption for those people). If people really talented they may get big hike. But recently one lady journalist(?) from NTV went to SAKSHI for interview. There she got an offer letter also. Then she came back to Naredra Chowdary and showed her offer letter. After that she got a promotion in VANITHA TV with hike. Is this journalism or blackmailism?

Bottom Line is Mr. Srinivas Reddy who encouraged her for joining in sakshi is facing very embarassing situation.